How To Use The Cow Trainer

Run the cows through the squeeze chute (or make a simple chute using pipe panels) several times before you ever trap one. That way, they think the only way out is forward.

First, remove the black box from the the black mounting cinch.

IMPORTANT: The box must be removed first or the cinch won’t “mold” to the cows back and won’t cinch up right.

Place the mounting cinch on the cow’s back with the wires facing toward the REAR of the cow. Use a long hook to reach under the cow and hook the cinch. Bring it up to the latigo.

Cinch the cow up little by little until the cinch is tight enough so it doesn’t roll.

The first time you cinch a cow, she may put up a fuss. After 2 or 3 times, she’ll calmly stand to be cinched just like a horse would.

Attach the black box to the mounting cinch with the wire connectors facing the REAR of the cow.

Turn the power button “on” and plug the wires into the connections on the box. It doesn’t matter which wire goes to which connection.

Open the front of the chute and let the cow out and into the arena.

While mounted on a horse, approach the cow. If she doesn’t react, motivate her by pushing the button. Push the RED button for MILDER stimulation. Push the GREY button for STRONGER stimulation.

Important Tips:

If you have a lot of horses to work, I suggest using more than one Cow Trainer unit. That way, you won’t over-work just one cow. Using multiple cows in the herd gives each cow time to rest.

It’s not necessary to use the Cow Trainer each time you work the cow. Using it on the cow once a week or once every two weeks is usually enough to keep the cow working well.

Only “stimulate” the cow when the horse is APPROACHING the cow. The cow needs to think it’s the HORSE that’s doing it.

When disconnecting the wires from the box, DO NOT PULL ON THE WIRES. Pull on the METAL connecters only.

Make sure all connections are secure before using.

Make sure you keep the box battery charged up. Letting it completely drain is not recommended.

Any problems, call me. Larry Trocha (209) 642-2804 or